ribbing factor câu
Load-extender ribbing ensures free flowing operation.Ribbing tải mở rộng đảm bảo hoạt động chảy tự do It was just some cute harmless e...

There's just no real wow factorĐó thực sự không phải là một nhân tố gây bất ngờ Oscar is definitely an X factor in my theory.Oscar chắ...

a decisive factor
But news cannot be a decisive factor in trends.Nhưng tin tức không thể là yếu tố quyết định xu hướng. So when is speed a decisive fact...

a positive factor
The decline is a positive factor and strengthens the GBP.Sự suy giảm là một yếu tố tích cực và củng cố GBP. Lower unemployment is a po...

acceleration factor
The acceleration factor is reset to its initial value.động năng của vật trở lại giá trị ban đầu. In other words, each time a new EP is...

accumulation factor
But compared to other carotenoids, Crystal Tomato® Carotenoids have the highest accumulation factor in the skin (Hata TR, et al. 2000.N...

activity factor
After calculating the BMR, multiply the result with an activity factor:Sau khi tính BMR, nhân kết quả với hệ số hoạt động: If you exer...

adjustment factor
What was the seasonal adjustment factor you used, or did you.Che khuyết điểm điều chỉnh sắc tố da, bạn đã biết dùng? What is Bunker Ad...

advantage factor
We have already mentioned the liquidity advantage factor: immediate and transparent execution.Chúng tôi đã đề cập đến tính thanh khoản ...

aesthetic factor
Apart from the aesthetic factors, cheap price is also a major causeApart from the aesthetic factors, cheap price is also a major causeTr...

amplification factor
“It is difficult to determine the exact amplification factor of memcached, but the attacks Akamai saw generated nearly 1 Gbps per refle...

antineuritic factor
Vitamin B1, is also known as the antineuritic factor because of its physiological function in nerve activity.Vitamin B1: Còn được gọi l...

associated factor
Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Turkish university students and assessment of associated factorsTuyển tập báo cáo các ngh...

attractive factor
The first, of course, is the attractive factor.Đầu tiên, tất nhiên, là yếu tố dễ thương. I agree that the ownership issue was a very a...

availability factor
And have an availability factor of more than 85 percent.Hiệu suất sử dụng cao hơn 85%; availability factor = 90%Hiệu suất >= 90% Comp...

ballast factor
A ballast factor of <1 means that your fluorescent system will produce less light (lumens) than the reference ballast and a factor of >...

bandwidth factor
To calculate required bandwidth factor relative to 4:4:4 (or 4:4:4:4), one needs to sum all the factors and divide the result by 12 (or...

blocking factor
The blocking factor of the table would be bfr = (B/R) = 1024/204 = 5 records per disk block.Blocking factỏ của index sẽ là bfr = (B/R) ...

bullish factor
The most bullish factor remains Iran.Yếu tố bí ẩn lớn nhất vẫn là Iran. The stockpile and production data were a bullish factor for th...

bypass factor
As soon as your feelings bypass factor and start to impact the means you play a certain game, you can kiss your loan farewell.Một khi c...

capacity factor
The capacity factor of the truck during the 23 hour period is therefore:Số cái khóa người thợ làm trong 23 ngày được là: Advanced nucl...

certainty factor
Yesterday, we discussed the certainty factor and the factor of increase.Hôm qua, chúng ta đã bàn luận về yếu tố chắc chắn và tăng trưởn...

chief factor
The chief factor in determining the cost of car insurance is the value of the car.Một yếu tố quan trọng trong việc xác định chi phí của...

climatic factor
Potentially, the rains can be devastating for the shrimp sector, although many times the subsequent mortalities have not been related t...

coagulation factor
Coagulation factor IX recombinant Fc fusion protein (Alprolix, Bioverativ), the first long-acting hemophilia B drug approved by the FDA...